Hopeful of fair weather, five of us headed up to the Roaches on Sunday to get a spot of climbing done. Only four of the Famous Five actually managed any climbing though as the rock was still too cold for my hands. (Grr! When will someone invent a rock heating device? The sun was doing its best but
the howling wind was whipping away any warmth it produced.) I guess that made me Anne for the day but who was going to own up to being Dick?
AB and JM got a number of good routes ticked off and Muffin had another go at leading. Mind you, he also managed to get himself stuck like a cat on a wardrobe when the tried bouldering and had to enlist the help of Riggers to get back down! What was even more embarrassing was when the guy behind him skipped down it without even s
topping to think. Maybe we’ve finally found something that he isn’t naturally good at.
It was a beautiful day up on the Roaches save for the bitterly cold wind and although I didn’t get any climbing done it was still great to be up there. Let’s see if the Gower can provide us with sunshine and no wind so that I can actually get some more climbs done. Fingers crossed.