Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Discuss and organise mountain meets here

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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by Tom »

Yeah should be able to. Could you get to Ambleside or is it a faff?
Tom M
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by annamairead »

thanks Tom. getting to ambleside would indeed be a faff - i can direct you over the short cut from Grasmere to Langdale if that's OK? I will reward you with a pint
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by Tom »

Cool, no worries.
Tom M
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by RolandNClarke »

Dear Julie,
The weather forecast is for 2 very wet days so I have decided not to attend this weekend. Further as Malcolm has dropped out I would have to drive all the way which I find difficult with an eye problem.
I hope everyone else has a good weekend.
Roland Clarke
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by kxp721 »

Nima will also be opting out due to the bad weather.
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by Jules »


Shame to hear people are pulling out of this one.

Please be aware that the Club will have to pay for 12 spaces for this meet, whether we use them or not. A reminder that on a full meet, if you drop out you may be liable for the cost of both nights.

One to bear in mind if you are considering dropping out - I may be tracking you down for money next week! I'll review numbers at the meet.

It's only rain, still plenty of fun to be had..... especially if you have a mountain bike, in which case, the rain doesn't stick ;)

See you up there
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by kxp721 »

If Nima can get a lift, she'd still be up for it. If anybody has space...please give her a call :)
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by kxp721 »

(It's the driving alone in potentially stormy weather that's putting Nima off! So companions for the journey are also welcome)
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Re: Robertson Lamb, Langdale 13 - 15 Nov

Post by Vicki »

Well, it looked like we were going to be flooded in but we just managed to sneak out while the rain eased a little. We only just got out in time though as the road at Rydale was shut shortly after we went through.
Great meet despite the miserable weather. Thanks to Tom for cooking and for all for their company.
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