Mid Week meets

Sort organising belay buddies/wall sessions/lifts for activities during the week.

Moderators: Fabian, VickyHiggs, joel, Stew, HarryC, Danielhand24, Andy A, Adam, Huw, Tom

Ian M
Posts: 39
Joined: 23 Apr 2021, 12:00

Mid Week meets

Post by Ian M »

We have now had 3 very successful mid week meets. Thanks to Roland and Mike Hogg for providing routes for the last two meets which were very enjoyable.
Although the meets are predominantly used by the retired members of the Mercians they are of course open to any member or prospective member who are available mid week
The regular time for the meets is the first Tuesday of the month so the next meet is due for 3 May
We have a group email to discuss plans and confirm events as not everyone uses WhatsApp
If you want to be added to this group please let me know
I will also try to send out final details to the general Mercian email
If anyone has any suggestions I am always happy to share these with the group