Outdoor gear at Aldi
Moderators: Fabian, VickyHiggs, joel, Stew, HarryC, Danielhand24, Andy A, Adam, Huw, Tom
Outdoor gear at Aldi
Lots of cheap stuff at Aldi tomorrow: stainless steel flasks £3.99, 3 torch set £4.99, tech socks £2.99, rucsac £5.99, walking boots, shoes, gaiters, overtrousers, ironing board cover etc...
Watch where you're putting your feet
Re: Outdoor gear at Aldi
Damn it! The lads always mock me for how much stuff I have in my rucksack but I've always felt there was something missing. Now I know what it is: an ironing board cover. 

Re: Outdoor gear at Aldi
You will have to organise a pre Christmas shopping trip to Aldi and negotiate a 20% MMC discount!
I think Geoff and I will turn up.
You will have to organise a pre Christmas shopping trip to Aldi and negotiate a 20% MMC discount!
I think Geoff and I will turn up.
Mike van Dog