Tyn Lon, Nant Peris, 5-7 Feb
Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 22:07
Booking for Tyn Lon, Nant Peris, 5-7 Feb is now open. See link for details.
http://www.climbers-club.co.uk/download ... t-Info.pdf
As its the first weekend in Feb, winter conditions will be perfect. The ground will be covered in snow, gully's will be icy, skies will be blue, the sun will warm your face when you top out of that 3 star ice route. I PROMISE. And there is a pub next door.
Only 12 spaces, so sign up quick. Make that 11 left.
1. Adam
2. Emma
3. Tom
4. Nima
5. Kyathi
6. Lloyd
7. Beth
8. Ben
9. Vic
10. Julie
11. Tom
12. Pete
1. Vijay
1. Naomi
2. Stewart
Booking for Tyn Lon, Nant Peris, 5-7 Feb is now open. See link for details.
http://www.climbers-club.co.uk/download ... t-Info.pdf
As its the first weekend in Feb, winter conditions will be perfect. The ground will be covered in snow, gully's will be icy, skies will be blue, the sun will warm your face when you top out of that 3 star ice route. I PROMISE. And there is a pub next door.
Only 12 spaces, so sign up quick. Make that 11 left.
1. Adam
2. Emma
3. Tom
4. Nima
5. Kyathi
6. Lloyd
7. Beth
8. Ben
9. Vic
10. Julie
11. Tom
12. Pete
1. Vijay
1. Naomi
2. Stewart