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Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 18:36
by lazydaizy
CJ Im in for food. Thank you

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 22:28
by Jules
Unfortunately the Queen has decided she has other plans for me this weekend, not involving a meet. So I'll have to take my name off.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Have fun :x

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 07:32
by Tom
Can you put me down for food as well please CJ, cheers

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 20:21
by Vicki
Booo :( Shame you won't be able to be there, Jules.

CJ, can you count me and Stewart in for food please? (Can I bring my own butter for the mash?)

I'll do my lemon flan for pud if people want. Let me know.

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 12:09
by vijaykorotane

Can you add me in and Ali for food.


Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 17 Jan 2013, 23:41
by PeterN

if it is not too late can i put my name down for some food?


Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 08:41
by the jackal
Think that's everyone for food :D

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 10:35
by the jackal
Lots of snow coming down!

Just to remind you the hut has a meter for electric it takes £1 coins so if you want to see bring a couple of coins please


Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 13:53
by the jackal
Just tried to get to Wolverhampton for a meeting, gave up and came home to review the situation later, but currently all roads are a nightmare, lots of slow moving traffic.

I have the key so will make a decision later if it calms down :D

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 14:03
by Vicki
Okay. Keep us updated. If we get snowed out can we still come round to yours for the beef bourginon? :)

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 15:29
by Tom
it's looking like an abort from us I'm afraid. Have another check around 5 but unless it stop snowing right now I can't imagine much of a change. Getting out of town is a complete nightmare.

Sledging tomorrow anybody? :-D

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 16:27
by the jackal
Tom who is us?

Not going to bother if nobody else is!

city centre is sounding like a nightmare

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 16:52
by Vicki
Apparently the roads in Snowdonia are just passable but it's meant to keep snowing up there until 10 tonight. It might be worth having a look at the situation in the morning. If everywhere is just crawling at the moment it's going to take us hours to get up there and I reckon we'd have to leave the cars at the North London hut and walk down to the chapel.

If we don't go up tomorrow then, where were you thinking of sledging Tom?

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 16:53
by Tom
Me, Simon and Jodie. Simon was supposed to drive but Matt's told me that he's currently in bed (how he came by this information I don't know) so it doesn't seem like he's going anywhere.

Re: Tan-y-Garth

Posted: 18 Jan 2013, 17:02
by Louise
Beef bourginon and sledging you say......